首页 > 玄幻小说 > 海洋霸主崛起史 > 附录IV 虎鲸攻击人的记录

附录IV 虎鲸攻击人的记录(第3/7 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 色情女大绝赞直播进行中!(NPH)独望(1v1年龄差)她不入戏为所欲为:我替他人模拟人生我在镇武司杀生成神末日:你看我这拳头大不大开局洪荒,看我如何傲游诸天穿成猫咪后我看上了一只大黑豹子相思一剑她年级第一[无限]七十年代温柔美人[综漫] 我跟揍敌客分手以后[网王同人] 危!幸村拐跑了仁王他妹造物主之柱永恒第一帝六耳猕猴:不羁西游轮回剑祖最强反派:一切从哥布林开始[综漫] 捡到毛茸茸代餐啦神豪流偶像

aski struggled, but it only made things worse. Hugo's tank-mate Lolita then joined in and began a tug-of-war with Hugo. Pulaski managed to free himself from the tangled wetsuit and get to safety. Pulaski did not mention if he sustained any injuries.

In the early 1970s, director of training at Sea-Arama Marineworld Ken Beggs claimed that one of the park's orcas, a young male named Mamuk, attempted to bite his torso.

In the early 1970s, young female killer whale Nootka became aggressive towards a visiting reporter at Seven Seas Marine Life Park, beaching herself in an attempt to lunge at him. She had to be returned to her pool with a crane.

In the early 1970s, a trainer at Seven Seas Marine Life Park, Larry Lawrence, was raked by Nootka. He had to receive 145 stitches in his left leg.

On May 2, 1978, another Marineland of the Pacific trainer, 27-year-old Jill Stratton, was nearly drowned when the 10-year-old Orky II suddenly grabbed her and drag




